Sans Paper: flick the paperwork

Eliminate Frustration for New Hires, Who Don't Know How To Get Things Done!​

We'll help them discover how your company operates, and who to contact.

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Imagine if all these happened

  • You’ve done all the training for the team. All the new hires have been onboarded and coached. They have their team leaders, supervisors, and support staff to call on for help, but still their work stalls, they forget the right answer. (We’re only human after all)
  • Their support team is out to lunch.
  • Now the project is in slow mode
  • How much easier would it be to have their operating procedures at their fingertips, in their pockets, available 24/7, online and offline?
  • How much easier would it be to have their operating procedures at their fingertips, in their pockets, available 24/7, online and offline?

No worries we got you covered, it’s time to improve your operating procedures.

Putting the businesses Body of Knowledge in the hands of your field team is what we do


Body of Knowledge

Remote access to your business knowledgebase.

One master source of procedures and next steps.

Easy to manage

Anyone that can use a word processor can create and edit knowledgebases within seconds.  Suddenly your team members have access to the information on their phones. The Search function means your field teams go directly to the needed section in 1 click.

No more searching for paper documents

It’s time your team members stopped carrying paper manuals, binders, booklets, and documents with them onto field sites.   After all ‘sans’ paper is what were live and breathe.

Central Updating

Using Sans Paper Hub your management can add, edit and update the business knowledgebase easily for everyone from a PC.

Team Specific or Company Wide

Setup different knowledgebases for different teams or for the company as a whole.


Priced from as low as $3.55 per user a month BoK is within the means of any business with field workers.

Live keyword filtering

Every keystroke you enter in the search field filters the displayed knowledge.

Complements Form Submission

When combined with Sans Paper Form your field teams now have access to both the knowledge they need and the remote forms they need to complete.

Online and Offline Access

BoK operates whether you’re in range or out of range.  Updates are made, and announcements received when returning into range.

Affordable Pricing

Choose a plan that's right for your growing team.


Even lower prices when combined with Sans Paper Form or Annual Commitments